Parents Please

* You are requested to go through the diary and help the school in its day-to-day activities. Sign the notice given in the diary.

* Please see that your child attends the school regularly and be never late

* Please ensure that your child attends the school in the prescribed well ironed neat and tidy uniform with books and notebooks covered and labelled with name,class & section

* Please ensure that your child is prompt in completing the homework assignments.

* In case you have some problem connected with your child you are most welcome to meet the principal/Director with prior intimation.

* In case you wish to meet the child or the teacher during working hours of the school, you may do so with the permission of the principal but in no case you will meet the child or the teacher during teaching periods.

* Please ensure that your child brings his/her lunch box with a napkin to eanble him/her to eat during the recess of the school.

* The tiffin box should be labelled with the name,class and section of the child. Except student Lunch brought by any other person will not be accepted.

* Please ensure thaat your ward does not carry cash or other valuable things to the school. The school will not be responsible for any loss of the personal belongings.

* Please study the progress report of your ward after each test and ensure that your ward puts some extra efforts in the subjects in which his/her performance is not very good.

* Any complaint or grievance may be communicated to the principal for its redressal.

* Please note that your ward does not miss any test conducted by the school. A student will not be eligible for promotion if he/she fails to maintain at least 75% attendance in the class.

* Please ensure that the school rules and regulations are strictly adhered to.

* Parents must intimate the school whenever the residential address, telephone & mobile no. is changed.

* For any information you can call school on school hours.