To accomplish our vision, we work for a healthy, pleasant and rich learning environment to ensure holistic development of our students as individuals in a society dedicated to our country and providing with all necessary infrastructure, facilities and amenities to accomplish their needs, desires and aspirations.

Dare to Dream... Learn to Excel

The RBPS aims at imparting education through the medium of English with equal emphasis on a proper formal education and the learning of The English language, rather than only the latter, as prevalent in some schools. The purpose of such education will be arose in the child a questioning mind so that each student feels the need for education from within thus quickly and happily imbibes whatever is taught to him. Thus, it is hoped, it will develop them into intelligent healthy, active citizens with A sense of value which will enable them to stand on their own in the world. The efforts require a tremendous amount of co-operation and support to the child from family and NOT from the usual tutor as is the custom now.


To mould the leaders of tomorrow who think globally and act locally through traditional values. To help students excel academically and in every walks of life by providing ample opportunities in the teaching-learning environment.

Committed to create global leaders in partnership with parents through our early childhood program

The aim of the school is to provide students, irrespective of creed, caste and place of origin a solid well rounded formation for life as truly integrated personalities, capable of shouldering responsibilities towards God, their country, their families and their fellowmen. And also provide every student a smooth platform and bright career to tackle the upcoming challenges of life and make their life comfortable in the long run of life, with honesty and enthusiasm.